
Posts Tagged ‘quotes to move forward’

Inspirational Quotes
The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.
Mark Caine – author

Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself- your strengths and your limitations –in contrast to depending on affirmation from others. Judith Bardwick- the Plateauing Trap 8, 1988

Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because,
as has been said, it is the quality which guarantees all others. Winston Churchill
“Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.” Charles Jones

It’s hard to look for the light when your lost in darkness. Posted from Anonymous reader

If you cannot or do not think well of yourself, how do expect someone else to~ Dexter Yager

~What you think, is what you are. Thinking and being go hand in hand~ Dexter Yager

~Choose friends who will build you up, and who will become accessories to reaching your dreams~ Dexter Yager

~If you think you cannot do something, then chances are you won’t be able to~ Dexter Yager

~Attitude stems from your frame of mind…Attitude is a factor in our personality…A person’s attitude will either make him friends or make him an outcast~ Dexter Yager



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