
Posts Tagged ‘emotional abuse’

Emotional Abuse and Your Faith: Poem for the Victims of Domestic Violence.

I came across this site today and like always wanted to share, poetry always digs deep.  I encourage you to check it out.

God chooses us.

Love & Peace,

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The following was copied from the above website, I encourage you to red and visit:

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the most common diagnostic category used to describe symptoms arising from emotionally traumatic experience(s). This disorder presumes that the person experienced a traumatic event involving actual or threatened death or injury to themselves or others — and where they felt fear, helplessness or horror. Three additional symptom clusters, if they persist for more than a month after the traumatic event and cause clinically significant distress or impairment, make up the diagnostic criteria.

The three main symptom clusters in PTSD are: Intrusions, such as flashbacks or nightmares, where the traumatic event is re-experienced.

Traumatic experiences shake the foundations of our beliefs about safety, and shatter our assumptions of trust.

To read more and find the resources you need click on the following link:

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